giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025

Corso gratuito a Malaga per imparare ad investire sul mercato azionario

Per chi è appassionato di borsa e vuole capire come funziona il mercato azionario, segnaliamo che Hanseatic Brokerhouse organizza un corso gratuito a Malaga il 19 maggio.

Ecco di seguito la notizia come appare su Euro Weekly News

“On May 19 in Malaga there will be “investments, spectacles and learning in equal quantities” according to Hanseatic Brokerhouse which is organising courses in trading in over 15 different Spanish cities.The novel initiative, offered for free by German broking house Hanseatic Brokerhouse, aims to teach individuals how the stock market works and how to invest in it.The offer comes in the form of a “road show” and will include all aspects of the rapid buying and selling done on the stock market.The trading sessions/lessons will be given by some of the German company’s top traders and will show attendees how financial products are bought, sold and managed.Hanseatic Brokerhouse is keen to point out that no previous experience is necessary but that participants will need a good head for figures as they must react quickly to the numbers on screen.”

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